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Click PLAY to discover what a Wellbeing Strategist can bring to your organisation

Do you know what stops your employees being

more productive and health at work?


I believe engagement and wellbeing is intrinsically linked with your companies culture and productivity.


I started Redwood Ellis after it dawned on me, whilst reflecting on my 35-year career with British Airways, Local Authorities, Charities and large event teams', that no one ever asked me how I was or how could we do things more efficiently or be more productive. No one thought to have a conversation with me - and I had lots of ideas!


If I’d been asked 2 simple questions regularly


  1. How’s it going with you? (wellbeing)

  2. How can we be more productive / efficient / better in any way! (productivity)


I think my working life would have been more fulfilling.


But no one asked me.  


I’ve been working with businesses for several years. Every 6 months I coach the majority of the team, send an employee engagement survey and report back to the CEO or the SMT.


The information gathered from this process through COVID, mergers, hybrid trials and difficulties in staff retention has been invaluable. It has helped shape the team, find pinch points to improve productivity and ultimately through conversations and coaching made individuals feel valued and included.


“Since joining the company, I have been really impressed with the way you have focused on employee wellbeing. I have seen a real change in myself - I am more relaxed and happier at work. I have found the 1:1's with Emma, wellbeing initiatives and additional training very beneficial. The atmosphere here seems really supportive, and I hope you will continue to take this approach with staff in future”


Listening to how your team would improve the business can be challenging to some senior managers. However, if it increases productivity and has a positive affect on your bottom line why would you not?


With 28 per cent of businesses saying that have had to turn down or halt bidding for work due to staff shortage (BCC in partnership with The Open University) The old adage ‘Look after your team and they will look after your business’ has never been so pertinent.


So, if you want to know what your employees are really thinking, be more productive and show your team you care get in touch?


If you don’t want to know what your team are really thinking I have one question for you. Why?

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What is a Wellbeing Strategy?


In 2021 only 44% of the private sector had a Wellbeing Strategy. We are now 3 years from the start of  the pandemic and employees are looking at how they were managed during this time. Those employers that took a considered and proactive approach to their teams wellbeing will be rewarded, those that haven't will probably be feeling the affects of the great resignation or worse quiet quitting.


I strongly believe that employee engagement and wellbeing are intrinsically linked. Therefore i use employee engagement tools and 1:1's to build Wellbeing strategies.

Here is the simple 6 step approach I take:

Assess - What are you currently doing to help the wellbeing of your team? Do you have an Employment Assistance Programme, is it being used? Do you use engagement surveys?

Coach 1:1’s - Using my coaching skills we discuss wellbeing, working environment and productivity.  I ask for feedback for the business - openly or anonymously.

Discover - A pulse survey is sent which includes wellbeing and employee engagement questions. I compile the findings and discuss new strategies with the leadership team.

Form - Volunteers are recruited from each area to form a Wellbeing Team. Wellbeing initiatives are chosen, they could be; wellbeing talks, a food or book club or a physical team challenge, anything to create positive social interactions - it's important that these initiatives are chosen by the team and supported by the SMT.

Write - The above forms the basis of the wellbeing strategy.

Evaluate - Every 6 months carry out 1:1’s, pulse surveys and a report, assess the findings, tweak and carry on.

You probably have a Health & Safety Policy for your business.  How much of that is ‘health’ and how much of that is ‘safety’? Other than the obvious benefits of having a Wellbeing Strategy don’t underestimate the importance potential new recruits are now placing on companies having one in place.

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Case Study 


Team member

"I found the wellbeing session really helpful. It was really good to have the opportunity to speak to someone confidentially about how I am doing and discuss some strategies for making some small healthy changes to my routine. It was also useful to be able to give feedback that could then be shared with the company"

Team member

“I think mental health is paramount especially in the current climate. To give staff the opportunity to ask for help if they need it is so important. Getting in there early benefits not only the individual but the business as a whole. Happy staff means less absences and more productivity” 

Team member

"I have been really impressed with the way you have focused on employee wellbeing. I have seen a real change in myself - I am more relaxed and happier at work. I have found the 1:1 with Emma, well-being initiatives and additional training (e.g., the mental health qualification) very beneficial. The atmosphere here seems really supportive, and I hope you will continue to take this approach with staff in future"

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